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Announcement for Middle School Runners

Message from Coach Segraves

MS Parents and Runners,

It is difficult for me to tell you all this, because I have truly enjoyed these young men and women, but the MS season is officially over.  White County Middle School is an active member of the MS TSSAA membership.  Therefore, we have to follow all of their guidelines, ie, starting dates, and ending dates.  The official ending date is 10/1/22 and the Chick-Fil-A is a HS meet only. 

I really do think we achieved our goal by getting MS kids hooked and interested in Cross Country.  I can’t tell you how proud all of us coaches are of the improvement of their times and the way they acted and carried  themselves at the meets.  They worked hard and did everything we asked of them.

We will be having a banquet in November (After the HS season).  We will get all the information out to you all as soon as possible.  Please bring the uniform and practice uniform to the banquet.  The long sleeve shirt is for the students to keep for their hard work in selling sonic cards.  

I want to say thank you to all the parents for your help and support and a special thanks to Coach Wiles and Coach Jackson for their hard work and efforts in making this first ever middle school season a success!  See you all at the Banquet in November.


Coach Segraves


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